A wifes perspective….

When I first met Rod, which was along time ago, one thing that struck me was his philosophy about life.

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Whenever we went somewhere, he wanted to leave the place better than when we came. If we stayed somewhere, like a holiday apartment, he would fix things that needed fixing. If we went camping, he would pick up other peoples rubbish to tidy up. He never harms animals or insects (except maybe cockroaches 😏), and he has a strong driving force within him to keep the peace and create harmony.

He brings these qualities to each home he comes to, to renovate or build. He wants to improve it!

He has a strong desire to build in a energy efficient and sustainable way to help support the earth and our environment, to make the home healthier and more comfortable for the people who live in it and to improve the esthetics. He is innovative in the way he thinks about building and is not happy just to sit back and do things the way they have ‘always been done.’ He loves to learn and find new, better ways to do things that are more earth friendly and pleasing to the eye.

From a home owners perspective, Rod goes the extra mile. He will do more than you have paid for, all those little extras that can really add to the cost. The things that a project builder, who is not attached to the outcome, won’t do!

Sadly with some home owners, they can come to expect this and he can start to feel like they are taking advantage of him. But with great people, like our current job, its a win : win. He loves doing it and they appreciate it!

Rod loves to build and create, and he really puts his heart into every project he takes on.


Why would I build a timber frame home?


Outdoor Living