Build Sooner with Complying Development

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One way to get your building project started sooner, is to use the complying development pathway, and obtain a complying development certificate (CDC).

Complying development is a fast-track alternative to getting your building approval through your local council’s development application (DA) process, which is often more detailed and slower.

With a complying development assessment, you have a choice whether to use a private certifier or, have your CDC processed with your local council, unlike a DA..

Now there are strict parameters to adhere to in your homes design if you want to get the speedier benefits of approval via CDC, so be prepared for any constraints that come up in your concept designs.

However, before you start planning for a CDC, know there are non-negotiable over-riding controls in place that restrict whether you can go CDC at all, so it’s important to clarify these early in the process. Anything that comes up in that search will mean you need to have your proposed project assessed via a DA.

Once you have finalised your designs and signed them off, a private certifier will have them assessed in around two to fours weeks (there is a mandated time frame to determine, but in our experience there can be some variation).

Below are some examples of what can be assessed via complying development;

  • New homes

  • Knock down rebuilds

  • Granny flats

  • Extensions, additions and alterations (first floor, ground floor)

  • Major Renovations

  • Duel occupancies

  • Lower level bushfire zones with accompanying site requirements

Knowing how to navigate your way through what’s required in this part of the design process and tick all the box’s to get a building permit can be time consuming and challenging. If you feel like you would prefer to have Built for Living manage this for you, then why not contact us. Not only can we design your project, prepare the required documentation, and build it, we can also manage the design to keep the construction costs realistic to your budget. Get started, call us today. 0413 126 238

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Rod Grace

carpenter - builder - husband - father - ex athlete - surfer - coffee lover 


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